Book Studio



  • Full amount due at time of booking.

  • Fees for additional time that was not billed during the initial booking will be due at the end of the rental period

  • ***Rental time begins promptly at the prescribed starting time and ends promptly at the prescribed ending time, regardless if renter and/or renter’s party is late***

  • ***Rental time includes setup, tear down and cleaning. The studio must be cleaned and vacated by the scheduled end time and no later, please consider this when booking your rental***

  • $100 cleaning fee required for excessively dirty studio or sets rearranged and not put back how they were when you arrived.



  • No smoking is allowed in the studio. Projects involving smoke must have prior consent of a company representative.

  • Music is to be kept at reasonable levels.

  • No one will be admitted who is under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances.

  • No pets allowed without prior consent of a company representative.

  • All small and/or hard to clean material (confetti, hair cutting, feathers, food products, body paint, etc.) require approval from company representative. $75 minimum cleaning fee required, additional charges my apply depending on studio condition at wrap

  • Maximum of 10 people in renter’s party. Total 20 people max in the studio at one time. Additional fee of $5 per each person over the limit will apply



  • All pre-installed paper backdrops (Green, white) are free with rentals if booking Warehouse or full studio.

  • Special order backdrop colors can be requested and installed for $99 (7 day notice required) 


  • Full refund for cancellations made more than 24-hours before scheduled rental

  • No refund for cancellations made less than 5-hours before scheduled rental

  • 25 percent reschedule fee if notice is less than 24-hours before scheduled rental



Please read over and sign the rental agreement and bring it with you for your studio session.